The Little Green Library
Caistor Library’s new collection of environmental books has been launched this week. It came out of an idea which developed when the group GO2– a Greener Footprint for Caistor, began holding meetings and gatherings at the Arts and Heritage Centre. The manager Clare O’Shea said “I know that young people want to understand the changing world around them and books are a great way of allowing them to do this in their own time and at their own pace”. She organised the donation and purchase of environmentally themed books ranging from basics to really in-depth advanced concepts.
The nice thing is that this collection of books will always be for Caistor library users; the books will not be circulated in the county library system. The Centre is so grateful for the donations received (pre-loved good quality books as well as money for new books) and for the support of Wendy Wainwright (GLL- Lincolnshire Libraries) in getting the books to the shelves.
If you have any books you would like to donate or are willing to pledge some money to purchase books on the Little Green Library’s wish list, please do contact Clare at Caistor Arts and Heritage Centre on 01472 851605 or email
Jane Anderson and Nick McCann of GO2 launch the Litle Green Library. The official launch took place on Friday 4th March at CAHC …..let the borrowing begin!